Malou Mourot began clarinet at the CRR de Reims and left in 2017 to study in Paris, where she obtained her DEM. She then took a CPES course at the Paris CRR with Alexandre Chabod, Florent Héau and Franck Amet.
Chabod, Florent Héau and Franck Amet, and took up bass clarinet with Vincent Penot. She is now a first-year student at the CNSM de Paris, where she studies with Pascal Moraguès and Jérôme Comte.
In recent years, Malou has had the opportunity to train as an orchestral musician with the Ostinato orchestra, the Orchestre Français des Jeunes and the orchestral training department of the CRR de Paris, and to broaden her experience by playing with various chamber music ensembles.
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