What a joy it is to write these few lines here for the first time, and what impatience to share this 35th edition of the Flâneries Musicales de Reims with you!

I've built it with jubilant enthusiasm, respect for the festival's rich history and its bright future, but above all with the dearest wish that everyone will be happy when they leave the concerts.

This is the year of the Olympic Games, for which Reims has the honor of welcoming the delegation of British athletes. What a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the universality of music by welcoming musicians from all over the world, in a repertoire that is always varied, and what an ideal context for a musical nod to our British friends, an opportunity to rediscover the abundance of music that we all often find ourselves humming, without putting a name to it.

From the exceptional Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra opening the festivities to the grand Concert Pique-Nique, also Royal, young and old alike, get ready to be dazzled by the young talents and the immense artists who will thrill us throughout this edition of Les Flâneries Musicales de Reims... a little British, so nice!

Hélène Segré
Artistic Delegate