Florian Noack
- Tuesday, July 1, 8:00 PM
- Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Reims, Reims
Imagine a map of the worldturnedupside down. When such a world is your point ofreference, certain terms such as "obscure " or "known" nolonger necessarily apply. This ishowFlorian Noack (1990, Belgium) discovered the piano repertoire.Even as a teenager, composers like Alkan, Medtner and Lyapunov werestudiedalongside Chopin and Beethoven, thanks toGuy Sacre's inspiring book "La Musique de piano " .
Sources of inspiration
Through his love of Russian literature and his studies with pianist and composer Vassily Lobanov, Florian developed a natural affinity with this Russian heritage. His piano transcriptions, based on orchestral works by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov and Rimsky-Korsakov, have attracted the attention of musicians such as Boris Berezovsky and Cyprien Katsaris. "Transcribing requires a certain kind of creativity and ingenuity, which also induces a different approach to my instrument; a search for new textures, a certain richness of color, different ways of combining his ten fingers," says Florian.
Recordings of these works have received numerous awards, including the ECHO Klassik "Young Artist of the Year 2015", the International Classical Music Award, the Octave de la Musique (in 2017 and 2019), a nomination for the Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik and the Diapason d'Or de l'Année.
While "virtuosity" is a word regularly associated with Florian, this characteristic is recognized by the press and his peers as a means to an end, not an end in itself. Through his interpretations and the construction of his programs, Florian strives to make each concert unique. Le Figaro commented on his recent recording: "A portrait [of Prokofiev] in his own image: contrasted but authentic. Worried and luminous. Tender yet incisive.
Equally formative were the years of study with Claudio Martinez-Mehner at the Musikhochschule Basel, and the discovery, during master classes in Prussia Cove (Cornwall), of the Socratic teaching of Ferenc Rados. Florian Noack has won numerous prizes, including the Robert Schumann International Competition, the Rachmaninov Competition and the Cologne International Competition.
He is a regular guest at festivals and concert halls all over the world, enabling important collaborations with other musicians, ensembles and orchestras. Florian has recorded 6 CDs to rave reviews, featuring off-the-beaten-track repertoire as well as his own transcriptions.
He joined the Trio Fratres, where, together with violinist Fedor Rudin (Konzertmeister of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra) and saxophonist Hayrapet Arakelyan, they explore a repertoire typical of the 20s and beyond, combining jazz and classical music.
Florian Noack has taught at Cologne's Musikhochschule and is a regular guest at various master classes, including the Miami Piano Festival Academy in 2020.